December 16, 2012


Assalammualaikum :)
Buat kamu yang punya koleksi kerudung persegi, saya pengen sedikit sharing tutorial tentang hijab style yang biasa saya pake sehari-hari. cukup mudah, simple dan chic. pertama-tama siapkan dulu:

a. kerudung persegi (lebih baik yang bermotif/gradasi warna)
b. dalaman kerudung yang menutupi leher (lebih baik hingga dada)
c. pin/jarum pentul/peniti 3 buah.

then check this below pictures step:

1. siapkan dalaman dan kerudung persegi
2. rentangkan kerudung, letakan diatas kepala sama panjang, tidak dilipat jadi segitiga/persegi panjang ya :) 
3 & 4. sematkan pin dibawah telinga kiri dan kanan.

5 &6. ambil bagian kiri lalu bawa seluruhnya ke belakang leher hingga ke depan melalui bagian kanan. 
7 & 8. ambil sisa yang menjuntai lalu putar ke belakang leher hingga bertemu dengan sisi  sebelah kanan kembali. 

9. ikat kedua sisi tersebut.
10 & 11. ambil kembali sisa yang menjuntai, bawa ujungnya ke belakang kepala lalu di pin.
12. nah. selesai!


.unbranded all stuff. hijab style by me.

around November 2012
Dormstay, Yogyakarta
Captured by Hendra Budiawan with Canon 1100D
Touch up with Photoshop

December 12, 2012

Get a life!

"Our life is our rule. But since you become an industrial architect, the boss rule is your whole new life. Then someday you realize that it is too late to turn back time. You never know your own life anymore"

-Prahmahita Rayi-

November 26, 2012

Shoot: Bubble Couple

like a gum. like a bubble. like a couple
we are patner who play the colour.

.unbranded all stuff. hijab style by me.

around October 2012
Kulonprogo Village, Yogyakarta
Captured with Canon 1100D
Touch up with Photoshop

November 25, 2012

Affandi Museum: Architectures

 Affandi touched architecture too.
Come and visit.

2 years ago
Affandi Museum, Yogyakarta
Captured with Canon 1100D
Touch up with Photoshop

November 23, 2012

Affandi Museum: Details

Affandi and his wife.

One of his art painting.

He skecthed too.

There are a big lizard on the floor.

"Banyak bekerja supaya panjang umur"
"Hard work for a long life"
Affandi said this.

Memorial of a great artist. Affandi.
Come and visit.

2 years ago
Affandi Museum, Yogyakarta
Captured with Canon 1100D
Touch up with Photoshop

Traditional Market of Balikpapan

welcome to this Balikpapan traditional market. 
you will find every cute stuffs here ^.^ .

traditional fruit and art stone.

traditional carpets and bags from rattan and bamboo. look the details!

smokers must know it! 
call it canting. it made from deer antlers are covered with wood.

even Balikpapan has traditional Batik too. 
a traditional pattern on fabric with many colour.

Balikpapan. East Kalimantan.
One of large town in Borneo Island.
Oil City in Indonesia.

Last Year
Pasar Baru, Balikpapan
Captured with Canon 1100D
Touch up with Photoshop

November 22, 2012

Bali Bird Park

yes! we were on this zone.

Easy boy, i know they're so beautiful.

Woops, You will meet her too.

They're not twin, only love sing together.

Come, play and fun with them.

November, 2012
Bali Bird Park, Bali
Captured with Canon IXUS
Touch up with Photoshop

November 21, 2012


YES, I little bit stressed of this whole activities.
YES, I went to beach to charged my mood.
YES, The dog loves me ^.^


November, 2012
Eco Beach, Bali
Captured with Canon IXUS
Touch up with Photoshop

April 17, 2012



Ran said,"Conan, hurry up!"

.Anything for Love.

Faber Castle 2B (pencil) - Snowman 0.2 (drawing pen) - Snowman (black marker)

Aprill, 2012
di atas tumpukan gambar kerja 
Captured with Blackberry
Edited with Blackberry apps (y)

April 16, 2012


Detective Conan

.When Architect Takes A LITTLE Holliday.

Faber Castle 2B (pencil) - Snowman 0.2 (drawing pen) - Snowman (black marker)

Aprill, 2012
di atas tumpukan gambar kerja 
Captured with Blackberry
Edited with Blackberry apps (y)

February 19, 2012

Simple Stripes


.Hello Sunday? Have Fun!.

Chocolate Shawl (Mom) - unbranded Stripes Tees - Cotton Trouser (ZykusXena)

September, 2011
BSB Mall, Balikpapan, Indonesia 
Captured with Canon EOS 1100D
Edited with Blackberry apps (y)

February 17, 2012

Unspoken Love

"When Beethoven created Fur Elise, He actually was ready to live without Her."
.say your love before too late.
front my notebook listening Fur Elise 
feeling blue and sad
picture: random search on google images
edited by me (y)

February 16, 2012

Mirror Me

.Two Faces, One Personality.

Cotton Blazer (Ceil) - unbranded Rainbow Shawl

A week ago, 2012
Front the dorm, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 
Captured with Blackberry
Edited with Blackberry apps (y)

SHOW that we are Muslims

Following the latest issued that discussed on @dianpelangi twitter, #jleb hastag, are you the one who always do:

Lebih banyak baca novel daripada mengaji?

BBM, @mentions, reply FB selalu tepat waktu tapi panggilan sholat ntar-ntar aja?

Bangun tengah malem demi ngebales @mentions, BBM daripada sholat istikaroh?

Ketemu pacar kudu rapi wangi, tapi sholat? Males mandi?

Lebih sayang make up daripada air wudhu?

Wudhu supercepat dan cepet2 touch up make up pula?

Wudhu dihemat-hemat, soalnya takut kena air, takut make up luntur (lagi)?

Tiap bulan beli baju baru tapi mukena dalam tas bau apek?

Bertayamum demi make up takut luntur?

Tas make up komplit tapi mukena selalu lupa dibawa?

Laper, ayok makan! Tapi selalu lupa berdoa?

Tasbih dipajang di spion mobil tapi ga pernah dipake wiritan?

Selalu inget suami, pacar anak tapi inget Allah SWT pas lagi sakit aja?

Berjilbab karena hati atau biar ikutan trendi?

Lebih banyak jejingkrakan dengar music masa kini daripada bersenandung memuji para nabi?

Forever21 sale! Tapi bersedekah mikir-mikir?

If  almost answer is yes, lets change now! Change our bad routine. Allah SWT always love us every time. Allah SWT give the sun to bright our morning life warmly and let the dark sky accompany our sleep at night. Allah SWT give rain, food, family and everything in this universe. Allah SWT bless us! Why we could still forget it?

It is only little correction from so many routine in our life. Why we couldn’t still change it? Like @dianpelangi said:

“Bayangin kalo Allah SWT menomorduakan kita ketika kita membutuhkan-Nya, seperti kita menomorduakan segala perintah Allah SWT :( "

DON’T JUST SAY that we are Muslim but SHOW that we are Muslims.

Iris Turbante

Take a shawl & twist on your head.
Let the rainbow bright the colors. Just show your best cheers.

Pink Vest (Mom) - Black Shirt - unbranded Rainbow Shawl as Turban - Cotton Brown Trouser - Wedges (Donatello)

Beginning of the last September, 2011
Halal Bihalal Kaltim Post Group, Balikpapan, Indonesia
Canon EOS 1100 D
Edited with Blackberry apps (y)

February 15, 2012

Summer Pop


Hot Summer? Me, absolutely like it.

 Grey Cardi (Uniqlo-Japan) - Flowery Shirt - Ruffle Shawl (Flashy) - Cotton Brown Trouser

Front the dorm, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Captured by Blackberry
Edited with Blackberry apps also (y)

January 3, 2012

Snap Shoot on Way

Snap Shoot on Way

 Coat by Anti Beauty - Wedges by Connnexion -Brown Skirt as Maxi Dress

Around August 2011
On Night Malioboro, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Canon EOS 1100D 
captured & edit by Hendra Budiawan

January 1, 2012

Idol Photoshoot - Brittani Kline


The Winner of America's Next Top Model Cycle 16

Random searches on Google Images