July 17, 2011

Not Just An Ice Cream

Close your paper work and get holiday! It's weekend guys. :)

white brown wedges by Conexion
choco pant from HCYog's Sunday Fun 
choco tribal scraft from Centro Bali

July 16, 2011

Sunday Fun at HCYog

I know you guys too bore accept my apologize. Since I passed my final exam, I face a new important activity: prepare for graduation. Hard to be true I have no skill about it moreover when I have to prepare by myself. My parents could only come when the “it” day cause they can’t leave jobs there. 
For small share, I’ll wear Kebaya on that day. On past two week, I wasted my time looked for the right design. I’ve been talked with some designers too but still I cant get what I want. Shita, fashion assistant from Mujid Affandi said it was difficult. But, same with us, in fact the clothes are also look for us too. So I’ve more patience. 

Forget it a while.

Have you guys listen about Hijabers Community? Nowadays, they opened it on Yogyakarta too. (called Hijabers Community Yogyakarta). On 10th Jun 2011 ago they held Sunday Fun and small bazaar. I cant participated in pengajian time cause the quota was full. But, bazaar opened for public during that day. So I ran there and took some pics with them.


 finally meet mba Dilla from Dilla and Zatta too. yaiyness :D

They look so stylish and gorgeous! ^^

Nb: Can’t promise will update soon until finish my Kebaya problem. Truly sorry.