December 16, 2010

First Award :D

Thaaank you so much to Amalia Ardia Utami cause she sent me this award. Actually this is my first award after i did blog since last year. Alhamdulilah...

Well, I'm so suprised and speechless too. I mean... saya adalah salah satu blogger yang paling tidak rajin menulis. Tapi, teman-teman masih sudi mampir di rumah yang tidak rapi ini. Hiks. Sungguh terharu...

accepting this award, i am asked to do the following:
1. thank and link to the person who awarded me this award.
2. share 8 things about myself.
3. pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.
4. contact those blogger and tell them about their awards.

and this is 8 things about me:
  • I prefer trousers than skirt, cause I must movin fast and I think trousers can handle it better than skirt.
  • I love every colours except blue. For me, blue is difficult colour to mix match. I dont know why. 
  • My super must item is unique shoes. Cause I think, a pair of cool shoes could complement my nerd style. 
  • I'm not a glasses person. I wear it just to cover my tired eyes.  
  • I like cat, donut, child, chicklit and detective stories.
  • Every night, I write list of today I will for tomorrow before sleep. Cause I'm a forgetfull person and always panic when every things dont work like I want.
  • I'm an easily impressed person especially about architecture or something creative design. 
  • Always listen 2ne1's songs again and again. They're my have to things on playlist and fashion influence too.  

And, I also want to give it to them:

Never to forget, my big thanks to Allah and you who was visited my small home. I couldn't make a promise, but still tryin to bloggin on my super rush time. 
For whole bloggers, keep posting and stylish gals :)

Once again,
Matur "Super" Suksema


  1. my pleasure :) waw there's my name! hehe congrats ya mbak rayi for the 1st award, keep creative xxo

  2. waaaaa thank youuuu....
    I should bookmark this entry, too and write "today I will blog this award" :D

    gonna sleep now,, thank youuu for sharing a happiness ^^ do wait for the post

  3. hollaa..thanks for the award! :)

    salam kenal yaa, I'm Ola Fadly btw.. ^^
